
Teri terrier, brought up in Edinburgh now enjoying life in Argyll. Likes running, games and MyPeople. Member of the #BTposse.
follow me @southfieldchat.

Friday, 22 May 2015

BTs rule, otters drool

Lots of excitements today

First My(M)People was all "there are otters in the garden". As I've said  before, what is the deal with otters? They have some good PR that is all.  Let us examine the evidence....

1) They have BT faces. So do I. A real one! And I'm not nearly so bitey (unless you get in the way when I'm sorting out some dubious "lady"BT). But when did you ever hear about a BT biting off a TV presenter's finger?
2) They swim. I LOVE swimming. But I have to have a shower after. *sadface*. Otters NEVER shower, can you  imagine the stink? Eugh!
3) They eat fish. See above. Yes, I would LOVE to eat fish. But not allowed, only fishy kibble. Mind you, I have lovely sweet breath. Otter kisses Double Eugh.
4) They are cute. I refer you to point 1 above. They are copying our faces.
5) There is no 5. They don't like walks, or zoomies or do zombie patrol. They don't sleep on sofas making your cushions look really comfy, or chew up your nuisance mail to save you reading it.

( Even so My(F)People was a bit disappointed 'cause me and her were still getting our beauty sleep though I don't really need mine).

BT 4 Otters 0.

 How about we pitch "World of BTs" to those TV Peeps eh? Much better than otters.

Second excitement?  "Quick lets go and watch the Queen Mary go up the sound ".  Surely not another otter? With a crown? Not very floaty.  And isn't The Queen a lady called Elizabeth? Definitely not an otter. I think she's almost 13 too,  which is quite old for a lady and she wears all the wrong kind of clothes, very hard to swim with a handbag.

Where the boat wasn't

It's a boat?????? Peoples are very strange. We have a boat, in the garden; it's not even as good as an otter.  But I wasn't complaining. It meant we had extra walkies. My(F)People got her welly stuck in the mud again and there were loads of good sniffs even though I couldn't find those bunnies.

But I did find my friend.

Can you spot him?

And when we got back, I had a little swim.

It's my sea otters, you just swim in it

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Putting myself in the cathouse

Hello pups and peeps.

No new walkies to tell you about but I was back in one of my favourite Edinburgh places last week. Blackford Hill
There was a time when I was up there nearly every day. All MyPeoples love that walk. But now we've moved and it isn't close anymore,  and sometimes it's really far away but that's when I live by my sea so I don't mind.
To go there you have to be in Edinburgh, then you can either walk all the way there or catch the number 41 bus http://lothianbuses.com. Start off at the gate by the duck pond; if you want to see the ducks you have to be on your lead and there's no swimming allowed *sadface*. But it's best if you just keep walking and head up the stairs. If you can't find the stairs it doesn't matter just go up. All the walks at Blackford are good fun. There are good sniffs (bunnies), a stream, sticks and stones to chase and lots of space to run about.
Me trying to get to the top

Plenty of room to run about 

This is Edinburgh, the other big hill is Arthur's Seat, also good for walkies

There will also be lots of other dogs and their peoples. You might want to have a sniff of these other dogs, and maybe a bit of a run and a chase. Perhaps your peoples might talk to their peoples. Then their peoples will say "lovely dog" and other stuff like that,  *trying to look modest face* and I'll wag at them too and twirl if they are really nice. Some peoples have snacks. BUT I'M NEVER ALLOWED.
Having a nice play

The non dog is my Young P

But Sometimes. There is a dog who is just not RIGHT*. And your peoples talks to their peoples and  says "lovely dog" to them. And that dog has a growl**. So you have a growl. And another. Then some snarling. And biteyness.

And your peoples hand gets a bit in the way.
His paw is hardly damaged

And you are then, well and truly, IN THE CATHOUSE.

But not for too long.

* Sorry #BTPosse it's usually another BTgirl *abashed face*
** And it's NEVER me who starts it. Honest. *butter wouldn't melt face*

Me and some buttercups which didn't melt either

Posh Paws

I had a nice walkies today, it starts just around the corner from Airds Hotel in Port Appin.

http://www.airds-hotel.com Dogs can stay with their peoples there. I have it's very nice.

If you stay here they tell you if it's going to be wet or dry walkies. If you are a people you can use the wellies you see in my Twitter picture but if you are a dog you will want the full splash experience. Today was very sunny so MyPeoples had lunch in the garden first. I did some foraging. This is very fashionable for peoples now.

If you are at the hotel go out of the car park and along the road a bit. Be careful there are cars. Look for a sign pointing to Public Footpath by Clach Toull.

Go through the gate and you can take your lead of if you do that. Peoples have made more path since the last time I was there so there was lots of sniffs to check. You will pass a White House and there may be sheeps so you would have to go back on your lead. There were no sheeps today. There was one of my best sniffs. THE SEA. But MyPeoples were being very mean and wouldn't take me there. I was very very good and came right back through the hole in the fence when they called.

The path goes round the corner through the rocks and then you can sniff and see MORE SEA. I found such a good path down to a lovely stony beach that MyPeoples couldn't help following. And I had a swim.

Now I am a bit worried that I'll have to go in the shower because they are saying "Ew! Stinky Dog" and other very hurtful things. After all peoples pay lots of money for seaweed spa......

I will let you know.

After your swim go back on the path and your peoples might read this sign about the nice lady who liked the path.

Then go through the gate (back on your lead) and down the road passing the houses and the boat to Lismore Island. Then you will go up the hill, past the shop and back to the hotel where your peoples can have a nice cup of tea if they didn't have lunch.

Have fun.

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